Update on Episode 3
Skin Base Hangar Bay
Update on Piloting Glorious Flesh Episode 3
We’re reaching the end of March and I must admit, I have not done any work on Episode 3 this whole month. Long story short I had a rough month. I won’t go into specific detail, but some tragic stuff has happened in my personal life. Things are fine and I am looking forward to getting back to writing.
However, I am going to delay the topic of Episode 3 which was initially going to cover the Heroic Sacrifice trope. I am still planning to write that essay in the future as the topic is very important to me. Most of what I had in mind for it is out of my head.
Instead I have decided to pivot the topic of the March essay to something… easier. “Piloting Glorious Flesh Episode 3: Take It Easy” is going to cover the topic of video game difficulty and my new appreciation for Easy modes.
Other than that I had a rather boring month. I did play Final Fantasy VII Rebirth which I won’t speak about too much because I don’t want to spoil the experience for everyone else. I think I would say I generally found it disappointing. It's still a good game. I think it is fun and an admirable adaptation of the original classic with a few interesting deviations. I think most people will enjoy it.
Also I have become obsessed with trading card games. I’ve been obsessed with Yu-Gi-Oh for the past 6 months, but Yu-Gi-Oh is in a bad format right now… and might be a slowly dying game as Konami seems to not show a lot of confidence in the game (outside of Japan). I have been playing the Pokemon TCG instead the past few days. Thankfully Pokemon is MUCH cheaper. Also Pokemon is in the middle of its standard format rotation so a lot of old cards are being rolled out and the meta is a bit more open for the moment. I have also been looking into Cardfight Vanguard because some of my friends play it, although I haven’t gone much further than watching some YouTube videos and a few episodes of the new anime. Vanguard is also entering a new era with the Divinez anime and the first set recently launched in Japan, so I guess I had perfect timing.
Anyway, I’ve gotta get to work on that essay if I want it out by the end of March, huh? Well I might not hit March exactly but I plan to get myself back on track so I can get Episode 4 out in April.
See you soon Copilots!
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