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Episode 3: Let's Take It Easy

  Piloting Glorious Flesh Episode 3: Let's Take It Easy ( Episode 3 was originally titled Episode 3: Choose to Live , however due to circumstances in my personal life that essay has been delayed to a later date. ) I enjoy difficult video games. That’s not really me bragging. It is more a plain factual statement. I feel difficult video games can do a lot of things that easy games simply cannot do. Difficulty can be an important tool for setting a tone or texture to your game experience. Difficulty in itself is an enjoyable experience. There is a feeling that you can get from a hard game stonewalling you for hours until you FINALLY put together the run where you beat the challenge. However… I now have a new appreciation for playing on easy. To be clear I have never had an issue with Easy Modes in difficult games. Typically I would never pick them. Shin Megami Tensei is one of my favorite franchises and has had easy modes for a long time now and it has never bothered me. The...

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